Computational Phylogenomics Lab @ ANU

Enable evolutionary research in the genomic era

Our mission

We develop and apply bioinformatic methods, models, and algorithms for phylogenetic inference from genomic data, with a recent focus on machine learning.
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Our flagship software IQ-TREE, the Eureka prize winner, has been used to investigate everything from the origin of Life on Earth to the virus causing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Our lab is growing! Current members are listed here
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Selected publications

  1. Maximum likelihood pandemic-scale phylogenetics
    N. De Maio, P. Kalaghatgi, Y. Turakhia, R. Corbett-Detig, B.Q. Minh, N. Goldman
    Nature Genetics 55:746–752 (2023)

  2. AliSim: A fast and versatile phylogenetic sequence simulator for the genomic era
    N. Ly-Trong, S. Naser-Khdour, R. Lanfear, B.Q. Minh
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 39:msac092 (2022)

  3. nQMaker: Estimating Time Nonreversible Amino Acid Substitution Models
    C.C. Dang, B.Q. Minh, H. McShea, J. Masel, J.E. James, L.S. Vinh, R. Lanfear
    Systematic Biology 71:1110-1123 (2022)

  4. Primate phylogenomics uncovers multiple rapid radiations and ancient interspecific introgression
    D. Vanderpool, B.Q. Minh, R. Lanfear, D. Hughes, S. Murali, R.A. Harris, M. Raveendran, D.M. Muzny, M.S. Hibbins, R.J. Williamson, R.A. Gibbs, K.C. Worley, J. Rogers, M.W. Hahn
    PLOS Biology 18:e3000954 (2020)

  5. IQ-TREE 2: New models and efficient methods for phylogenetic inference in the genomic era
    B.Q. Minh, H.A. Schmidt, O. Chernomor, D. Schrempf, M.D. Woodhams, A. von Haeseler, R. Lanfear
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 37:1530-1534 (2020)

→All publications

© 2019-2023 Minh Bui Lab on Computational Phylogenomics @ School of Computing, Australian National University