People / Piyumal Demotte

PhD student, Australian National University


Piyumal Demotte received his Bachelor of Science of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Moratuwa – University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka in 2021. He is currently a PhD student at the Australian National University (ANU).

Research Interests

His research interests mainly focus on Computer Science and Bioinformatics, consisting of Algorithms, Deep learning, Natural language processing, Computer vision, Big data, and phylogenetic inference. He is now focusing on developing deep learning techniques for phylogenetic inference with massively available genomic data.

Awards and Honours

  • 2024: One of the two nominees from ANU for the Google PhD Fellowship.
  • 2022: Australian Government Research Training Program International Scholarship (covers living stipends) & Australian Government Research Training Program International Fee-Offset Scholarship (provides tuition fees).
  • 2023: ARC Training Center for Future Crops Development Scholarship.


Currently work as a reviewer for the Multimedia Tools and Applications - Multimedia Tools and Applications


  1. Sentiment analysis of Sinhala news comments using sentence-state LSTM networks
    P. Demotte, L. Senevirathne, B. Karunanayake, U. Munasinghe, S. Ranathunga
    Proceedings of 2020 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 283-288 (2020)

  2. BERTifying Sinhala - A Comprehensive Analysis of Pre-trained Language Models for Sinhala Text Classification
    V. Dhananjaya, P. Demotte, S. Ranathunga, S. Jayasena
    Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022 7377-7385 (2022)

  3. Sinhala Sentiment Lexicon Generation using Word Similarity
    B. Karunanayake, U. Munasinghe, P. Demotte, L. Senevirathne, S. Ranathunga
    Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions, ICTer 2020 283-288 (2020)

  4. Enhanced sentiment extraction architecture for social media content analysis using capsule networks
    P. Demotte, K. Wijegunarathna, D. Meedeniya, I. Perera
    221:1-26 (2021)

  5. Sentiment analysis for sinhala language using deep learning techniques
    P. Demotte, L. Senevirathne, B. Karunanayake, U. Munasinghe, S. Ranathunga
    arXiv preprint (2020)

  6. Dual-state capsule networks for text classification
    P. Demotte, S. Ranathunga
    arXiv preprint (2020)

Piyumal Demotte

School of Computing, ANU
Hanna Neumann Building
145 Science Rd map

Google Scholar

Lab members

Ng Jun Kiat
Honours Student

Hashara Kumarasinghe
PhD student

Van Nguyen Hoang
PhD student

Thomas Wong
Research Fellow

Minh Bui
Lab Leader

Piyumal Demotte
PhD student

Nhan Ly-Trong
Research Associate

Manyuan Zeng
Master student

Yanghe Dong
Master student

Huaiyan Ren
PhD student

Chen Yang
Research Assisstant

© 2019-2023 Minh Bui Lab on Computational Phylogenomics @ School of Computing, Australian National University