People / Yanghe Dong

Master student, Australian National University


Yanghe Dong received his Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics from the South China University of Technology (SCUT) in 2022, and he is currently a student of Master of Computing (Advanced) at Australian National University (ANU).

Research Interests

His research interests mainly focus on phylogenetic area.

Selected Publications

  1. Phylogenetic Model Selection via Machine Learning
    Y. Dong
    Master Theses (2024)

→All publications

Yanghe Dong

School of Computing, ANU
Hanna Neumann Building
145 Science Rd map

yanghe.dong (at)

Lab members

Ng Jun Kiat
Honours Student

Hashara Kumarasinghe
PhD student

Van Nguyen Hoang
PhD student

Thomas Wong
Research Fellow

Minh Bui
Lab Leader

Piyumal Demotte
PhD student

Nhan Ly-Trong
Research Associate

Manyuan Zeng
Master student

Yanghe Dong
Master student

Huaiyan Ren
PhD student

Chen Yang
Research Assisstant

© 2019-2023 Minh Bui Lab on Computational Phylogenomics @ School of Computing, Australian National University