People / Nhan Ly-Trong

Research Associate, Australian National University


Nhan Ly-Trong received his Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Networks and Communications, and his Master degree in Computer Science from the University of Information Technology (UIT) – Vietnam National University-HoChiMinh City in 2016 and 2019, respectively. He recently submitted his PhD thesis in June 2024 and started his Research Associate in August 2024 both at the Australian National University (ANU). For more information, please have a look at his ORCID profile.

Research Interests

His research interests span both Computer Science and Bioinformatics, consisting of Phylogenetics, Machine Learning, and High Performance Computing. He is now focusing on developing new effective methods for phylogenetic inference to deal with challenges from big biological data sets.

Awards and Honours

  • 2022: One of the two nominees from ANU for the Google PhD Fellowship.
  • 2021: Honourable mention for the best talk at the combined ABACBS and Phylomania conference.
  • 2020: ANU University Research Scholarship (covers living stipends) & ANU HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship (provides tuition fees).
  • 2020: The Science and Technology Scholarship, Vingroup, Vietnam.


Reviewer for various scientific journals, such as Bioinformatics; Systematic Biology; and Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Selected Publications

  1. Phylogenomics in the pandemic era
    N. Ly-Trong
    PhD Theses (2024)

  2. AliSim: A fast and versatile phylogenetic sequence simulator for the genomic era
    N. Ly-Trong, S. Naser-Khdour, R. Lanfear, B.Q. Minh
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 39:msac092 (2022)

  3. AliSim-HPC: Parallel sequence simulator for phylogenetics
    N. Ly-Trong, G.M.J. Barca, B.Q. Minh
    Bioinformatics 39:btad540 (2023)

  4. CMAPLE: Efficient phylogenetic inference in the pandemic era
    N. Ly-Trong, C. Bielow, N. De Maio, B.Q. Minh
    Molecular Biology and Evolution 41:msae134 (2024)

  5. Rate variation and recurrent sequence errors in pandemic-scale phylogenetics
    N. De Maio, M. Willemsen, Z. Guo, A. Saha, M. Hunt, N. Ly-Trong, B.Q. Minh, Z. Iqbal, N. Goldman
    bioRxiv (2024)

→All publications

Nhan Ly-Trong

School of Computing, ANU
Hanna Neumann Building
145 Science Rd map (at)
Google Scholar

Lab members

Chen Yang
Research Assisstant

Rosalita Rosenberg
Honours student

Ng Jun Kiat
Honours Student

Minh Bui
Lab Leader

Thomas Wong
Research Fellow

Hashara Kumarasinghe
PhD student

Van Nguyen Hoang
PhD student

Piyumal Demotte
PhD student

Manyuan Zeng
Master student

Nhan Ly-Trong
Research Associate

Yanghe Dong
Master student

Huaiyan Ren
PhD student

© 2019-2023 Minh Bui Lab on Computational Phylogenomics @ School of Computing, Australian National University